Cara Treatment. The Cara Care website is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice diagnosis or treatment.
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I’m Cara 40 from Athlone in County Westmeath and I have Lyme disease I need to ask for your financial support to get treatment in Germany and get my life back Before I fell ill I worked as a secondary school teacher for 15 years a job I really loved.
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The Cara Care website is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice diagnosis or treatment.
The Enema – A tried and tested procedure for CARA CARE
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The enema – A tried and tested procedure for colon cleansing and rehabilitation Enemas have been used since antiquity Even back then it was known that a properly functioning intestine is the beall and endall for health and wellbeing Medical and spiritual experts agree that our inside also needs thorough cleansing every now and then.
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