Diakones. Diakonia (Greek) is a noun used 32 times in the New Testament and variously translated as “ministry” “service” “relief” or “support” It is used in Luke 1040 of Martha’s meal preparations for the Lord while Mary sat at His feet and listened to Him It is used in Acts 61 regarding the serving of food and in Acts 64 referring to the “ministry of the Word”.
Index Of Wp Content Uploads 2019 04 from pgi.or.id
diakones (Indonesian)Origin & history From Dutch diacones from French diaconesse ultimately from Latin diaconissa Pronunciation IPA id Hyphenation id | di | a | ko | nês Noun diakonês (plural firstperson possessive diakonesku secondperson possessive diakonesmu thirdperson possessive diakonesnya) (Christianity Protestantism) female deacon with duties of helping.
What is the meaning of diakonia in the Bible
Parts of Speech deeak’onos Noun Definition one who executes the commands of another esp of a master a servant attendant minister the servant of a king a deacon one who by virtue of the office assigned to him by the church cares for the poor and has charge of and distributes the money collected for their use.
Diakones YouTube
Dutch (Protestantism) A deaconess a female deaconnominative plural of diāconon accusative plural of diāconon vocative plural of diāconon.
Diakonos Meaning in Bible New Testament Greek Lexicon
Diakones name meaning available! Diakones name numerology is 6 and here you can learn how to pronounce DiakonesDiakones origin and similar names to Diakones name.
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How to pronounce Diakones in Afrikaans HowToPronounce.com
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diakones Wiktionary
diacones Wiktionary
Diakonia, the Mission of the Church
meaning, origin diakones (Dutch, Indonesian):
Assisted Living, Nursing Care, Rehabilitation
Diakones Z (104SA16) FEI.org
Diakones Meaning, Pronunciation, Origin and Numerology