Tepa Selira. Definisi/arti kata 'tepa salira' di Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah a dapat merasakan (menjaga) perasaan (beban pikiran) orang lain sehingga tidak me.
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Tepa selira is the base to do gotong royong Both tepa selira and gotong royong are tools to overcome the posibilities problems that can appear as a diversity country Gotong Royong is seen by doing jobs together usually has a social advantage both in the villages and cities of Indonesia These are some example of Gotong Royong in Indonesia.
The Reflection of Tepa Selira ‘Considerate’ in the Provincial
Tepa Selira ‘Considerate or to Position Oneself at the Place of the Addressee’ The Javanese principle tepa selira has normally been applied by the Javanese speaker to show his sympathy or solidarity to the interlocutors with the intention that rukun can be achieved (Wolff & Poedjosoedarmo 1982).
Tepa Selira – My WordPress Blog
This study is generally to seek the reflection of tepa selira 'considerate or position oneself at the place of the addressee or acting towards others as you would have them act toward you' in the dialogues used by the participants attending.
Arti kata tepa salira Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI
Tepa Selira Terinspirasi dari istilah jawa “teposeliro” yang memiliki arti tenggang rasa Batik Tepa Selira ingin menyampaikan nilai tenggang rasa melalui setiap helai kain batik yang diproduksi Batik Tepa Selira terinspirasi dari istilah jawa.
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(PDF) The Reflection of Tepa Selira 'Considerate' in the
Cooperation (Gotong Royong) And Tolerance (Tepa Selira) Among
Tepa Selira
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