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Spoya Beauty Spoya Beauty’s well priced treatments start at IDR 120000 forJUSTWAX Calling themselves the “painless waxing experts” JUSTWAX is theWax Hause Wax Hause is a caramelbased waxing parlour for both womenCocola With a focus on natural ingredients Cocola Natural Waxing Bar is theStrip Another waxing salon from Singapore Strip also follows the no doubleCaramello Decorated with all things childlike Caramello is filled with fun andPink Parlour Pink Parlour the first place to practice the no doubledippingHoneypot Wax Boutique This awardwinning wax boutique was voted theDandelion Waxing Specialised in waxing nail and eyelash treatmentsPoetre Spa Aside from offering spa treatments this traditional spa house.
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How to get to Belleza Griya Waxing in Jakarta Barat by …
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